Miffy is a beloved children’s character created by Dutch artist Dick Bruna. Miffy is a small white bunny with large, round ears and a simple, sweet face. Miffy has been a popular character for children’s books, television shows and toys for over 60 years.
These soft and cuddly stuffed animals are perfect for children to snuggle up with at bedtime or to play with during the day. The Miffy plush toy is made with high-quality materials and is designed to be durable, so it can withstand the rough and tumble play of young children.
The Miffy plush toy is available in a range of sizes, from small keychain sizes to large, huggable sizes. It is also available in a variety of colours and styles, including classic Miffy in white, or special edition Miffy in colourful patterns and designs.
In addition to being a fun and comforting toy for children, the Miffy plush toy also make a great collectible for fans of the Miffy character. With its adorable appearance and high-quality construction, it is sure to be a treasured possession for years to come.
Authentic and licensed Miffy plush, measures 23cm in height.
Dimensions (CM): 17 x 9 x 23
Weight (G): 70